Thursday, September 4, 2008

Child Common Cold

Common cold

Almost everyone is familiar with the feeling you get when you start a common cold, such as a sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, or tearing. Colds are very common but are more common in children and decline with age. They are rarely dangerous to healthy adults or children, but may occasionally be dangerous to infants, the elderly or other at-risk groups.

Correct diagnosis of a cold usually means distinguishing between cold and the more serious flu, which is not always easy, but is important because of newer antiviral medications for the flu. There are also other conditions that start like a cold (e.g. rare but serious whooping cough) and numerous conditions that have cold-like symptoms or flu-like symptoms. Although there are numerous different subtypes of colds, diagnosis of the specific subtype of cold is rarely performed and not usually important for treatment.

Symptoms of Common cold

* Runny nose
* Sneezing
* Tearing
* Blocked nose
* Sore throat


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