Breast Feeding Tips
Are fruit juices, soups etc. recommended in the initial few months after birth?
No, after birth for 4 months nothing else except mother's milk is required. Other things can be harmful.
Should gripe water, ghutti etc. be given?
No, their use is unscientific and can be harmful.
Does my child need vitamins?
Breast fed babies do not need vitamins or tonics; but babies having top-feed might require some form of supplementation.
My baby is exclusively breast-fed, but he passes frequent loose stools. Is that OK?
It is normal in a breast-fed baby. But be observant regarding his hydration and whether he is passing enough urine.
Even after breast-feeding my baby, milk continues to flow. What should be done?
This is temporary problem. You can press your breasts and keep a clean soft cloth inside your bra.
Can I feed my baby if I am sick or if I am taking medicines?
Baby can be breast fed during any kind of sickness, even T.B. or Heprosy. Except anti-cancer drugs, most of the medicines are safe.
If my milk is not sufficient for the baby, then?
Almost all mothers can produce milk in sufficient quantity for their baby. You must breast-feed your baby more frequently, which will increase the milk production. Keep on taking nutritious diet in sufficient quantity, and fed the baby on demand. If the baby is passing urine 6 times in 24 hours, then it denotes sufficient milk production.
Can I feed my baby if I have a Caesarean section?
Yes you can. You can feed your baby, once the effect of sedatives and anaesthesia wears off. If might be difficult to feed initially but you can turn to your side, take someone's help and feed your baby.
Can I and my baby sleep on one bed?
Yes, you should make your baby sleep with you. It will be helpful in establishing an emotional bond with your baby, and also increase milk production.
My nipple hurts, when I breast-feed. What should I do?
This is because of faulty position of the body. The baby should be close to your body; his mouth and the chin should be close to your breast and he should be sucking on most of your arola and not only the nipple. Breast feed your baby frequently, and in correct position for small durations. Let some drops of your milk, to dry on your nipple. Do not use any creams or lotion.
Occasionally my breasts feel very hard and heavy. What should be done?
If there has been a long time gap between feeds or you have not breast-feed your baby, then you might get this feeling. You must feed your baby or express your milk with your hand.
If I have to go out, then is there any harm in giving one or two bottle-feeds?
Giving a top-feed substitutes for your breast-feed and so next time your milk will decrease in quantity. Also chances of contracting an infection are increased. You can express your milk in a clean utensil, which can later be given to the baby using a katori.
What is the harm in bottle feeding is properly boiled & used?
Firstly the child will stop taking breast feed; secondly while preparing a bottle of milk various other things like a spoon, sugar, bottle, lid, nipple and your hands are used which may not be clean and may introduce infection.
If a bottle has to be used, then remember
- To boil the bottle , nipple & lid for 20-25 minutes.
- Wash your hands properly before before touching the bottle.
- Do not dip your finger into the milk for checking the temperature.
Can I feed my babies if I have twins?
More breast-feeding leads to more milk production. You can feel both your babies together alternating them between the two breasts. If it is required you may feed them additionally using fresh milk.
How is milk expressed from the breasts?
Sit comfortably and gently massage your breasts. Using your thumb and index finger, press on the margins of the arola and collect milk in a clean & boiled katori. A breast-pump may also be used for this purpose.
How to store the expressed breast milk?
It can be stored in a closed lid utensil for 8 hours at room temperature & for 24 hours in a refrigerator. Do not warm the milk as it will kill the disease-preventing properties of the breast-milk.
Can top-feed be combined with breast milk?
If it is not possible to express the milk and keep then while the mother is away it is better to give fresh cow's/buffalo's milk using a katori, rather than a powder milk. When the mother comes back from work, she should breast-feed her baby as frequently as possible.
When & how to start food products other than milk?
You must start semi-solid food when the baby is 4-6 months old. Starting earlier than this can be harmful because the baby may not be able to digest it. The baby might then refuse to take breast-feeding leading to a excessive weight gain. Start from giving small quantity of a single kind of food. Gradually start giving mashed and semi-solid food of different variety preferably whatever is being cooked at home except spicy foods. Introduce new dishes, so that by twelve months, child starts eating and liking almost everything which is being cooked at home. Do not force him to eat, what he does not like. Keep on breast-feeding till the child himself stops breast-feeding.
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